From 1 October 2018, we are required to undertake due diligence in order to comply with our obligations under the Anti Money Laundering and Counter Funding of Terrorism (AML/CFT) legislation.
We will require information from you which may differ depending on your type of entity and the nature of your work. We will need this information prior to carrying out your instructions.
The next time we receive instructions from you, or if there is a material change in the nature of your work, we will let you know what we require. The types of information we will be gathering will include:
- Forms of identification (such as your driver's licence or passport)
- Verification of your address (such as a rates invoice or utilities bill)
- Your occupation and where you do business
- Whether you are a 'politically exposed person' (PEP)
- Whether you reside in a high risk jurisdiction
We may also need further information as your matter progresses. For certain advice we may also have to verify the source of funds. With Trusts we require information about Trustees and Beneficiaries. For Company transactions we will need information about Directors and Shareholders.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.